Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter


I can't believe how many folks are perusing my foolishness on such a Holy Day. I hate to go Dean 
Wormer on you, but life is so very short, go spend some time with your family and Happy Easter from OFRN!


  1. This is a great pic OFRN and I'm trying to work out how it was done! Sue

  2. I stumbled across this on Instagram and there was no copyright so I passed it along. It really caught my eye.

    I hope you are well Sue. The weather here in Pittsburgh is finally warming up a bit and I'm thinking about gardening.

  3. We are longing for some rain here OFRN - it's been a very dry Autumn. I had to stop by our local hospital for something the other day and was truly impressed by how pleasant and friendly the nursing staff were - even the one who had the tedious job of checking everyone's temperature when they entered in case of covid!

    Not sure why you have no comments on the orthopaedics article - I enjoyed men's orthopaedics as it was mostly young guys who had various sporting injuries and they were bored witless - there was much fun and laughter permitted between them and the nursing staff - it was mostly a cheerful place to work! Cheers, Sue

    1. Maybe everyone thinks ortho is boring, but it sure is different today. Campbell's Operative Orthopedics has taken over from DePalma's Management of Fractures and Dislocations. Back in the day there was a traction set up for just about anything, while today it's all ORIF and back on their feet. The array of surgical hardware to restore function is unbelievable. I don't know how I would function as a scrub nurse with tray after tray of lag bolts, plates, and screws. Everything is so different today. I just learned that healthcare is a business today-just the exact opposite of what we were conditioned to believe in diploma nursing programs. It was to the hospitals financial advantage to cast nurses as angels in white. Angels don't need pension plans and can subsist on very little money. Hospital payroll expenses must have went through the roof with the adoption of the business model. Nurses have more money, but I still get the sense that something is missing in healthcare today. Nursing no longer has that feel good in your heart sensation.

    2. It might be slightly different here OFRN, given that we have a huge public health system and most hospitals here provide free care to everyone, so nurses overwhelmingly work in these, where they are treating patients who do not have to pay - but I agree that we nurses were seen as self-sacrificing and nursing was seen as a noble occupation back in our day. We earned peanuts and retiring single nurses basically lived in poverty. I'm glad that has changed at least, but I don't know how different things are for nurses in the USA? Are there many free (ie. charity, or non-paying) hospitals in the US? We do of course have private - ie. paying - hospitals here but they are in the minority. I'd be interested to know. Sue

    3. I think charity hospitals went the way of 3 year diploma nursing programs- totally and irretrievably extinct. The charity hospital I trained at is now run by a corporate monstrosity which is ironically named "Advocate." I suspect the only folks being advocated for are the stockholders.
