Cherry Ames, the idyllic character of old time nursing novels led a charmed life. Her adventures always involved handsome doctors and wealthy patients that she so artfully cared for. As every experienced nurse comes to know, not all doctors are Prince Charming and some experiences in nursing really are the stuff of nightmares. It is reasonable to conclude that Cherry probably had some bad dreams and here is some fodder that may have contributed to her restless night's sleep.

Males don't escape the reproductive organ nightmares. The meatotomy done prior to a TUR always gave me goosebumps. That cold steel slicing right through the tip of a penis is real nightmare material. If the anesthesia is light, the circulating nurse better be available if the patient moves around.
Chest tube insertions on a conscious patient always brought to mind some sort of Samurai Swordsman ritual. That huge trocar with that golf ball sized handle to thrust the thing into someone's chest probably gave Cherry the creeps too. I don't recall if there was a Cherry Ames, Thoracic Nurse novel. I bet she conveniently deleted the chest tube insertion procedure from her book, but things like this can come back to haunt you in the middle of the night. Yikes!
Cleaning up an OR late at night (more likely very early in the morning) after a failed trauma surgery. No housekeeping (environmental services for you whippersnapperrn's) on duty so Cherry and her fellow scrub nurse must shoulder the unpleasant details. Cherry cheerfully draws straws with her nurse colleague using discarded suture material to determine who gets to clean the equipment and who gets to do post mortem care on the body. Don't forget to mop up that bloody, bone chip slurry from the floor. Now it's off to dreamland. Try and not scream to loud when that nightmare wakes you up.
Finally, Cherry probably had some unpleasant dreams about administering Lactulose enemas to patients in hepatic failure. It was no problem positioning the patient on their side, that ascetic abdomen acted as ballast pulling them over. The sweet sickening smell of that Lactulose combined with foul stool is not something to be forgotten. A type of hospital version of sweet and sour sauce. Bonus nightmare potential if there is an accompanying GI bleed. I wonder if Cherry experienced olfactory sensations in her bad dreams?
During the first week of nursing school an informal poll revealed that all 76 of us had read Cherry Ames books at one time or another. A real marketing accomplishment for the publisher. We soon realized that real nursing was pretty much the opposite of Cherry's experiences. In pediatrics we always chided one another "I bet Cherry never made a little kid like that cry and scream after an injection." The remarks persisted into other rotations.
I always suspected there was a hidden side to Cherry. After all, in Jungle Nurse she got involved with an international smuggling ring. Her constant travelling and job hopping made it appear as though she was running from something. Why was there no RN after her name? Had a state board revoked her license? Did she even pass boards? Lots of unanswered questions, but I suspect she really did have some nasty nightmares.
I've never worked OR, but I got chills and shudders at the "Lactulose enemas" for old drunks...
OFRN, there is no doubt in my mind that Cherry has a checkered past, and most likely never even sat for boards. She quite obviously has never endured the assault to aesthetics that chewing one’s fingernails to the quick entails, while casually glancing out the window to see if the mailman had delivered BON verdict.
ReplyDeleteThe indignity of knowing one’s future depended upon the dependability of a number 2 pencil and the ability to concentrate on arcane questions after having your dignity handed to you every other day in clinicals, was not a burden she bore.
I like her hair though.
Well, and I mean, this...
I have doubts that Cherry ever emptied a bedpan, administered Kayexalate enemas, loaded needle drivers two at a time, or had the local gang member watch out for her when she walked to work late at night. Still, she never stopped smiling, and you know, the hair.
I knew that I wanted to be a nurse in 3rd grade after witnessing a friend of my Dad's die of a heart attack in a Piggly Wiggly parking lot. Cherry Ames books were one of my secret reads as a young boy. I had the good sense to disguise Cherry's missives in Hardy Boys book covers as a disguise. Boys absolutely were not supposed to to read stuff like that. I had a crush on her as a young teen. I think it was something about those eyes.
ReplyDeleteI started reading Cherry Ames books as a young person